INDR identifies key human rights issues in the IFC involuntary resettlement policy revision.
On behalf of INDR, Theodore (Ted) Downing helped prepared an overview of human rights issues to be considered in the revision of the International Finance Corporation’s Performance Standard on Involuntary Resettlement and Land Acquistion (PS5). INDR joined with the International Accountabiity Project (Jennifer Kalafut) and the Housing and Land Rights Network (Shivani Chaudhry) to prepare a brief on key Issues for Upholding Housing Land and Property Rights in the International Finance Corporation’s Review of Environmental and Social Policy Standards (Jan 2010).
Their findings highlighted: 1) minimizing displacement and ensuring that displaced persons are project beneficiaries, 2) inclusion of individuals and communities who lose their livelihoods because of polluted fisheries, diminished water supplies, air pollution and other project impacts who face the full gamut of potential human rights violations and risks associated with unmitigated displacement, 3) inclusion of full risk assessment and livelihood restoration measures, 4) ensurance that there are specific requirements for providing information and training about rights and processes options (including IFC policies and accountability mechanisms) by a third party prior to negotiations to help balance the bargaining power, and 5) strengthening of free, prior and informed consent in compliance with other international standards.
Last Updated ( Friday, 5 April 2013 )